Jupiter Botanical

Created as an experiment to test the theories of astrology and to honor the energy of our solar system’s largest planet entering its home sign of Sagittarius in 2019.

Jupiter brings abundance, luck, and truth to all. We carry that cosmic energy into our work, grounding everything we do in Truth, Beauty, and Intimacy.

Location: 1579 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60622

Flat Iron Arts Building Studio 340

Hi, I’m Penélope

I am the founder and lead designer of Jupiter Botanical. A Chicago native, I was born second generation into a mystical Ukrainian and Native Mexican lineage. Raised with a deep connection to the natural and spiritual worlds, I have been highly psychic my entire life and given thousands of readings and energy healings. My life’s work is to be in healing service to the Earth.

Gemini Rising, Pisces Sun, Leo Moon- I have studied astrology since I was 8 years old. I am currently a top reader on the Sanctuary app with over 1,200 people favoriting my profile. I have served well over 10,000+ people throughout the years.

For over a decade I have cultivated love and expertise for Floral Design, Organic Farming, Natural Dye Techniques and the Healing Arts. Honored to have worked alongside some of the best in the industry, I now bring my own unique energy to an age old craft. Jupiter Botanical is a home for all of my offerings as an artist, florist, clairvoyant, and teacher.